This also one of the most important module in Integral CE . This is a rich tracking of software that easily combined with the stock tracking, item sold and price invention, identify the transferred details various department stock hold information and maintain and monitor the essential stock details and provide the report to the maintenance department.
The inventory management system that provide the stock available and required for particular department and various department system level management and capture and maintain the data of supplier, customer . Include fixed assets like furniture in several department,computers and various accessories, lab equipment etc.
Maintained the details of
Stock transfer management
Purchase department ,
Sales department ,
Keep record of essential report
Functions Enabled in Inventory Management
School / college department setting.
Maintaining stock ledger.
Damage control
Handling material receipt.
Detailed entry with the item details.
Create and transfer serial number based items against SKU.
Item merging, splitting and price revision modules.
Generate Customer database for ease of billing.
Keeping record of items returned by customers.
Item wise and batch wise generation report on purchase and sales.
Track goods movement through various stages at barcode and package level.
Transportation scheduling and allocation details.
Track floor stock, warehouse stock, package stock and goods in transit.
Fixing fares and collecting the same.
List of students and other staff members utilizing the transportation facility and the details.
Vendor details of transportation service and other legal documents.
The inventory management system that provide the stock available and required for particular department and various department system level management and capture and maintain the data of supplier, customer . Include fixed assets like furniture in several department,computers and various accessories, lab equipment etc.
Maintained the details of
Stock transfer management
Purchase department ,
Sales department ,
Keep record of essential report
Functions Enabled in Inventory Management
School / college department setting.
Maintaining stock ledger.
Damage control
Handling material receipt.
Detailed entry with the item details.
Create and transfer serial number based items against SKU.
Item merging, splitting and price revision modules.
Generate Customer database for ease of billing.
Keeping record of items returned by customers.
Item wise and batch wise generation report on purchase and sales.
Track goods movement through various stages at barcode and package level.
Transportation scheduling and allocation details.
Track floor stock, warehouse stock, package stock and goods in transit.
Fixing fares and collecting the same.
List of students and other staff members utilizing the transportation facility and the details.
Vendor details of transportation service and other legal documents.
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