Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Payroll Management Software

Integral CE Payroll management that used the combine basic salary and bonuses and leaves planning and loans, advances and maintain the account that involve with the PF/HRA/ESI/Gratuity process, and its one of the complicated part of a school/college/ university payroll system and its confirm that all all accounting process have been paid exactly and maintain the timing that with the accurate  deductions, and and bonus in a proper manner.

This payroll management gives accurate process of payroll system ans saves time and money of the administration process needed for the financial statement , gives the easy data stored environment and effortless software

Maintain the details of
Employee pay
Pay slips
Tax calculations,
HPW processes leave accrual/usage,
Determines eligibility for benefits generating salary statements

Functions enabled in file management module:

Salary allotment and automatic pay roll management
locate Leave types and allowances
Automatic generation of pay slips and certificates
Calculating various taxes depending on their pay level
Maintain holidays and work shifts details through the year
Separate payslips can be generated
Update the payslips details 
Individual staff pay entry for variances
Enter bank details for salary
Retrieve attendance details of employees
Monthly entry for Deductions, Earnings, and Variable
Decrease time and cost for payroll management 

For more details.. Click
Contact us:
e-Mail:  info@whitehouesit.com

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White House Business Solution is an IT / ITES company with professional expertise. We provide outsourced Content Production, e Book Publishing, e - Learning and Technology Services, and Legal Content Solutions to leading companies,  Information Services, Professional Services, Banking & Financial Solutions, Technology, and Engineering, Law and Government...

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White House Business Solution we provide e-learning and e-learning development services. We pride ourselves on having some of the best E-Learning development . We believe strongly that the effectiveness of e-learning solutions is heavily influenced by the quality of the learning . However, even the best developer in the world isn’t enough by itself, The thing is what is critical is a customer's approach to building a solution. Fundamentally the best solutions are customer's solutions.

For more details, www.whitehouseit.com

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