Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why we need campus management software?

Campus Management System is the combined managements system and that is truly accessible, and this windows-based campus management system with the source to transform the way that the schools administrative process. 

Its an educational system that improves the school administrative process and its an another source for an modern school management system.

Campus management system key features:
Integrates all the management parties

School Administration system

Easy communication with all the management team and makes easy for teachers, students, parents to communicate with an administrative. And can get an easy access for all the student information, greater report generation and alert can be sent to parents regarding their children progress.

Unified, Perceptive,easiness of instrumentation and use
School Administration software

This instructive database structure doesn't required ant training and this single secure database that stores and gives the easy retrieve.

Solution  to access the student information:

Efficiently managed the student functions such as admission process, attendance, progress report grading and personal information and gives customizable student report.

Easy to manage classroom functions: 

A unique profile can be maintain for each students and In addition to a generation of password for teacher, Time-table generation, update day to day data.

Student Profile:

Easy access for teachers to view and modify the student related data including personal information  and display records.

Daily Attendance report:

Generate attendance reports of every student and can be review at anytime.

Progress -Mark-sheet are generated- Comparison made for each term of examination and reports can be sent by the alert to parents.

Source for administrative access:

Programs reports are generated with the perfect security and all school data information can stored  instantly such as
Examination records.

Each student examination report can maintained with marks , everything can be done automatically for each term.

Reports & Graphs:

Administrator can generate effortlessly create any type of reports & Graphs in monthly wise and yearly wise

Fees Collection:

All type of fees collection are collected and generated in customized manner. Fee vouchers are generated.

Final note:

Education's most accessible and inter connect package that involve with the all the department integrated system,The CMS actually provides an effective and innovative process helps to provide effectual and competent information, In today's challenging environment rapidly increases need of meeting while aggregating suppleness to encourage invention.

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White House Business Solution is an IT / ITES company with professional expertise. We provide outsourced Content Production, e Book Publishing, e - Learning and Technology Services, and Legal Content Solutions to leading companies,  Information Services, Professional Services, Banking & Financial Solutions, Technology, and Engineering, Law and Government...

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White House Business Solution we provide e-learning and e-learning development services. We pride ourselves on having some of the best E-Learning development . We believe strongly that the effectiveness of e-learning solutions is heavily influenced by the quality of the learning . However, even the best developer in the world isn’t enough by itself, The thing is what is critical is a customer's approach to building a solution. Fundamentally the best solutions are customer's solutions.



Open Source LMS