In a traditional world so many technologies are developed for educational
system such as e learning, home schooling etc. Some people judge traditional
school is best for educational system. Because in traditional school student
learn socialization, communicate with other students and improve their
day-to-day activities.
Most of the traditional school maintains their information electronically. It’s become good response among the educational system. Link2School is a comprehensive school management system supporting schools for maintaining school information electronically including staff, student and parents.
Without any uncertainty administrator can easily auto generate timetable based on subjects, class constraint and staff constraint. Administrator schedules the events like function, examination, study holidays, etc and published through notice board.
Parents can submit student application form through online without standing in queue for long time. Administrator approves or rejects the application form and issue hall ticket for applicant.
Administrator defines the fees structure, collect the fees and issue the payment receipt for paid student through web portal. Schedule the exam time table and conduct examination to evaluate student skill. Publish exam result through online instead of sending report card to home. Students and parents view the published examination result from anywhere anyplace.
In library management system, students or staffs view book details and reserve or renew the book through online without moving to library. Set the loan period, due date and fine amount for the borrowed book. Librarian collects fine from student, when the book is not returned within due date.
Nowadays parents are very busy in routine life, they have no time to attend the parents meeting. Link2School helps the parents to monitor student academic details, attendance, assignment and activities details from anywhere. If the student is absent for school, administrator can intimate the parents through text message.
Link2School provides separate interactive web portal to build good
relationship between Student, Staff and Parents.
Link2School reduces the burden of school system and say good bye to
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