Many top universitites has been partnering with Coursera. (Refer With every passing day, as the education field is become competitive and embracing innovative methods for the benefit of the learners, we provide consultation to the universities and colleges who are willing to develop courses in Coursera platform.
As we know the intricacies well and has been experienced in communication with the Coursera support team, we guide to provide best online courses for your institution.
If your institution has high ambitions to play a role from regional institution to a global institution please contact us immediately and become a first ever institution to launch courses in Coursera from your region.
For more details....Click
Or Call: 044 2561 9110 / 9000 / 9090
If your institution has high ambitions to play a role from regional institution to a global institution please contact us immediately and become a first ever institution to launch courses in Coursera from your region.
For more details....Click
Or Call: 044 2561 9110 / 9000 / 9090