Introduction to SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model):
SCORM is a "Reference Model" that integrates a set of inter-related technical standards, specifications, and guidelines designed to meet high-level requirements for learning content and systems. SCORM was born to take the best from the early efforts, specifications and standards, and achieve the goals of durability, portability, reusability, interoperability and accessibility for content. SCORM is the initiative of Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL). The latest version released by ADL is SCORM 2004 4th edition.
SCORM is a "Reference Model" that integrates a set of inter-related technical standards, specifications, and guidelines designed to meet high-level requirements for learning content and systems. SCORM was born to take the best from the early efforts, specifications and standards, and achieve the goals of durability, portability, reusability, interoperability and accessibility for content. SCORM is the initiative of Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL). The latest version released by ADL is SCORM 2004 4th edition.
The technical requirement of using SCORM lies in important factors suchas Accessibility, the ability to locate and access instructional components from one remote location and deliver them to many other locations, Interoperability, the ability to take instructional components developed in one location with one set of tools or platforms and use them in another location with a different set of tools or platforms and Reusability, the ability to incorporate instructional components in multiple applications and contexts.
SCORM services:
We at WHBS, undertake migration of electronic learning content in different format to SCORM packages making them reusable, interoperable, durable and accessible. Many organization, educational institute, content publisher who have been creating and publishing content for many decades with a ocean of e-learning material need not spend more effort to make it SCORM compliant. SCORM does explain the technical requirement and importance of its implementation, however, SCORM techniques alone do not ensure the reusability or accessibility.The most cost effective and efficient way of making your content SCORM compliant or making it more commericially accessible and interoperable is the motto of our SCORM services at WHBS. The following are the list of SCORM services that we offer:
SCORM implementation:
For various organizations, implementing SCORM, means they must adopt or build specific instructional designs and standards to ensure reuasbility and interoperability. WHBS has years of technical expertise in identifying your specific requirements, analyzing the standards and customizing the instructional designs to satisfy your needs.
SCORM authoring tool:
Have an unorganized content, yet want to meet the standards of SCORM so you can publish it professionally? Our SCORM authoring tool is the right solution for you as the tool does everything for you and you have absolutely nothing to do. For those willing to do it themselves, our web based authoring tool takes you through each and every step of building your content and get the 'Works in Every LMS' SCORM content.
SCORM player Integration:
Have an LMS? Ready to start your online training? But, dont have a SCORM player in it? Our SCORM Player comes in compatible with your LMS, whatever it may be. We analyze your LMS standard and customize the player and integrate it with your LMS. And, here, your complete LMS is ready to fly.
SCORM Consultancy:
Not satisfied with what we do?Have anything specific or a different idea you want to try in SCORM?Or, you have absolutely no idea of SCORM? Cant decide whether you need SCORM or not? Come to us. We will take you through the needs and aspects of SCORM and help you make a decision to save your interest and investments.
SCORM Content Creation:
Dont want to take the hassle of creating content, SCORM packaging? WHBS will do your complete task of creating content for you, meeting SCORM standards and give you the best SCORM complied content that would work on any LMS.